That was an amazing Beaver Summit. I learned so much and have a whole list of people and projects to followup on. Feeling really appreciative of Heidi Perryman and others for all the work they did to make this event happen.

Now the video we shared at the end of our presentation at the CA Beaver summit on April 9th was a shortened and chopped up version of the music video, Share It Now by The Loving Mosh, a band made up of SLO Beaver Brigaders. I love the backstory of this band and this song, even though we didn’t get to tell it in the Summit Presentation. This video deserves to be seen in it’s uncut version, so here it is, unaltered by us.
The Backstory
On one of our filming days at the river, (we’ve been filming short educational clips of Seeger the Beaver, soon to be released), a few of the more musical folks in the bunch began jamming; James Swan, Victoria Carranza and Roberto Monge (as can happen when you spend enough time hanging out by the river). They were riffing on Brock Dolman’s “Slow it, Spread it, Sink it, Share it” slogan, and this song emerged. Those three had so much fun with it, they decided to get together again with some of Roberto’s recording equipment and jam some more. The fun kept increasing, and now they’ve formed a band, The Loving Mosh, and have a whole slew of songs. (And yes, the beaver does appear in a few other songs!)

Ella Bates, my daughter Hazel’s 13 year old friend, choreographed a dance routine for the music and the video was created. Lots of hours of fun and rehearsals, lots of hours of game camera footage review, and this video was the outcome.
So you never know what’s going to happen at the river. You might think it’s a short visit to see a beaver dam, but before you know it you are in a band with a music video. You just never know.
It’s good medicine. I hope you enjoy it.