September 30, 2024
SLO Beaver Brigade receives grant for Salinas River restoration
Atown Daily News

April 12, 2024
Zoo to Unveil new Beaver Mural by Local Chumash Artist
March 25, 2024
SLO County Beaver Festival returns for another year

February 21, 2024
Atascadero unveils interpretive panels celebrating local beaver population

February 8th, 2024
SLO Beaver Brigade celebrates the semiaquatic rodent’s contributions to local ecosystems on Feb. 10 in Atascadero

Atascadero News February 1, 2024
New interpretive panels celebrating beavers to be unveiled
CDFW Releases Beavers into the Wild First Time in 75 Years!

Atascadero Beaver Pond on CBS Sunday Morning: Sept 16, 2023

We filmed the filmers when CBS Sunday Morning News came to Atascadero to interview Dr. Emily Fairfax in the beaver ponds. : Beavers Are Heat Wave Heroes
July 2023

New Times SLO Special Get Outside Summer/Fall 2023
June 22, 2023: New state policy recognizes ecological benefits of beavers, promotes coexistence
Beavers on PBS’s Changing Planet
Beaver Believers: How to Restore Planet Water: Bioneers with Brock Dolmen and Kate Lundquist
May 3, 2023
Neil Harvey, host of Bioneers Radio, interviews Kate Lundquist and Brock Dolman to learn all about beaver: their history in North America, how they slow and spread water, create critical habitat, and how they can be harnessed as a powerful tool in buffering the impacts of the climate changes we’re seeing.
Particularly riveting is the change of heart that some ranchers are experiencing when it comes to beaver. As Kate puts it, “There are ranchers in Nevada who are willing to go on record now saying, ‘Twenty years ago we used to shoot the beaver and now we wouldn’t have a cattle operation without them.’ And they’re having to save their neighbors who come and literally get water from them and truck it to their operation because they haven’t been able to retain the water in the same way as those who have these beaver complexes. “
May 5, 2023
SLO Beaver Brigade builds momentum with festival, ‘Whale Tail’ grant
New Times
SLO Beaver Brigade on KCBX
March 3, 2023
CDFW Director Agrees It’s Time To Embrace California Beavers

Baby beaver builds makeshift dam to keep her nemesis out
CBS Morning Edition with Dr. Emily Fairfax and the Atascadero Beaver Ponds
NPR News : Why You Should Give A Dam About Beavers!, May 3rd, 2022
A 10 year study of an arid area – not unlike our own – getting rehydrated by BDA’s (human made beaver dams) and beavers moving in to maintain them. The hard fact numbers of increases in steelhead – 180% after beavers returned – so dam encouraging! And in a drought affected area like our own!!!
“this is the kind of work that needs to happen in over tens or hundreds of thousands of stream miles”.
Beavers highlighted on Fox News Weather, April 25th 2022
Local SLO.INFO talking about Beavers



Spotting a beaver-made dam is like walking into another world,
according to Audrey Taub, founder of the SLO Beaver Brigade.
“You’re walking through this sandy-dry arid environment, and then all of a sudden
it’s green, lush, and full of birdsong and herons. You can even see the fish and frogs,” Taub said.
“Something big is happening here.”

educates the community about the many benefits of beavers
and the wisdom of allowing beavers to do what they do naturally:
HOLDING WATER on the land and recharging aquifers,
CREATING HABITAT that can support hundreds of other native species.
Photo courtesy of Brittany App.

Senerey de los Santos reporting for KCOY12 • KEYT3 • FOX11 • NewsChannel 3-12
November 19, 2020

What if beavers could help fight wildfires?
A recent study from Cal State Channel Islands professor
Dr. Emily Fairfax indicates they can.

Leave it to beavers: How giant rodents are reshaping the Central Coast’s Waterways