We had two dozen folks join us for a fun day walking the Salinas River in June. Some of us were wet up to our shins, some to our knees and some were soaked well past their waists! It was a great day sharing beaver stories, new findings and immersing ourselves in their environment. And we even learned a few things.
The beavers in Templeton are doing well. Where there was only one dam a few months ago, now there are 6 active dams. That is one busy beaver family! The beavers in Atascadero have been equally as busy. While we didn’t cover the entire area, we counted no less than 10 beaver dams in a 2 mile stretch of river. The only thing missing was more time to cover more ground.

We also discovered some unfortunate news. The invasive Phragmites species that is spreading in Atascadero, has been spotted in Templeton also. It’s just a small patch there, but it does look like this tall grass is making its way downstream. We will continue to monitor this species that has been choking out the willows and other native plant species that the beavers depend upon.
We are looking forward to another survey day July 23rd and August 13th. There is still time to join us for the fun! Sign up here!